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nedelja, 10. april 2011

The Tech Museum in Intel

V soboto smo obiskali muzej podjetja Intel. Tam nam je vodič predstavil zgodbo podjetja od njegove ustanovitve do preboja na področju izdelave čipov in razvoja v eno izmed najpomembnejših podjetij v računalniški industriji.

Ponovno smo lahko preverili tudi svoje znanje dvojiškega številskega sistema :)

Marko se je spoprijateljil z novim inteligentnim virtualnim prijateljem.

V muzeju so nam razložili tudi, kako poteka dejanska izdelava čipov.

Rok je preizkusil, kako so oblečeni delavci v Intelovih tovarnah čipov.

Lepo vreme smo izkoristili še za nekaj takšnih in drugačnih fotografij :)

  Poleg Intela smo obiskali še The Tech Museum, kjer smo si ogledali razstavo Body Worlds, v kateri so na ogled postavljena prava človeška telesa, obdelana s posebnim postopkom, ki preprečuje razpadanje. Prikazani so posamzni deli telesa od mišic, krvožilnega sistema, kosti do posameznih notranjih organov (prikazane so tudi razlike med zdravimi in obolelimi organi, npr. pljuča zdravega človeka v primerjavi s pljučami kadilca). Slikanje v samem prostoru je bilo žal prepovedano.

V Tech Museum-u smo si ogledali še nekaj zanimivih tehničnih eksperimentov in robotov. 

Eden izmed robotov je s pomočjo lesenih kock izpisal naziv naše ekskurzije.
 Videli smi lahko tudi, v kakšni meri sevajo toploto posamezni deli človeškega telesa.

3 komentarji:

  1. The article discusses the Body Worlds exhibit at the Intel Museum in The Tech Museum, which showcases fascinating videos of love anatomy and brain development. The exhibit includes experiments and robots, which are aimed at understanding the human mind and the human body. The article also highlights the importance of understanding the human mind and the role of artificial intelligence in the industry. The exhibit also highlights the importance of recognizing the differences between humans and animals and the potential of robots in enhancing human behavior and creativity. The article concludes by expressing gratitude for the visitors' support in promoting the article. reckless driving virginia lawyer cost

  2. The Tech Museum has partnered with Intel to showcase innovative technology in an educational setting. Visitors can explore advancements like artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The partnership enhances the museum experience with interactive exhibits and hands-on activities, providing insights into how technology shapes our world and drives progress. The museum is a must-visit destination for tech enthusiasts and curious minds.
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  3. The Intel Museum in The Tech Museum hosted a presentation by the founders of Body Worlds, who discussed their research on the company's success and the process of creating the chip. The presentation included a photoshoot, a demonstration, and a talk about the museum's commitment to promoting innovation and the importance of embracing new technologies. The founders also discussed their experiences at Body Worlds, where they discussed the complexity of the chip and its impact on their lives. The Tech Museum also featured other interactive exhibits and demonstrations, showcasing the museum's innovation and purpose. The founders also discussed their personal experiences and their commitment to their work and research. divorce attorneys fairfax va
