Angry face

ponedeljek, 25. april 2011

Death Valley

Po spustu v dolino smo se najprej ustavili v kanjonu, kjer je pri sprehodu po njem priporočeno vzeti s sabo 4 litre tekočine. Mi smo vsi skupaj preživeli z le pol.

Devil's golfcourse

Vročina je pripekala vendar smo vseeno našli energijo, da izvedemo kakšno bolj atraktivno sliko. Jezero iz soli se nahaja -86 metrov nadmorske višine in ima poleti dnevne temperature čez 50 stopinj celzija.

Še celoten pogled na jezero in dolino smrti iz razgledne točke Dante's View.

4 komentarji:

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  2. "Death Valley" is an enthralling exploration of one of the most extreme and captivating environments on Earth. The author masterfully depicts the stark beauty and harsh realities of this unique desert landscape, weaving in scientific insights with vivid descriptions that bring the valley's dramatic terrain to life. From its scorching temperatures and sweeping sand dunes to its hidden oases and rare wildlife, the narrative captures the paradox of life thriving in such an unforgiving place. The book is not just a study of the natural world but also a meditation on the resilience and adaptability of nature.
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